Sunday, November 30, 2008

- 1001 answers

ask me why i love you and i'll tell you
1001 reasons why, but none of em is the real answer.
the only one real answer will forever be hidden from you.
because it's something that can't be put in words.

ask me why do i wanna fight a war i can't win
and i'll tell you 1001 reasons why i want to fight.
but still they are not true,
but the real answer is because fighting lets me know,
how much i will cherish you and protect you.

ask me why i never care much abt you but i still love you,
1001 reasons again i'll tell you, but still none of em are real.
because if i never care, why wud i still love you?

say the future is not fixed,
say it changes with a person's will.
why shud i just give up on you now?
when i know that i can give you what i wanna give,
happiness and love.
why shud i let other people give it to you,
when i know that i can do it better than them?
would you give me your 1001 reaons?

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