Sunday, July 06, 2008


kinda wasted recently.
found out my classes start at 10.30 latest. and ends everyday at 5.30
ending at 5.30pm means I CAN'T WATCH ELLEN! =. =
and if dapat, 9.30 i get to watch Ellen the next day.
but can't finish watching. because i have to go to school at 10 for the 10.30 class.
so all i'm left with is the one that repeats really really early in the morning which is i am not sure what time. *sighs*

what a big sacrifice.
and i'll most probably be wiped out tired.
hell i'm even having trouble driving home when it ends that late everyday.
how am i going to cycle there now man... =/
gotta think of a way.
still need to save petrol. and need to exercise. lol.
sien man...
i gotta rearrange everything now.
like time table of my own
and schedules.
and even sacrifice lots of time for lots of stuff.
bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla...

sdd. no mood to continue edi.
next time then.

jya na

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