Monday, May 19, 2008

- noname

wassup ya'll,

lol. okay... so today's monday. and it's a public holiday. I'm suppose to start working on the camp i'm working on but somehow, i fell sick. In the morning that is. lol. so i happen to be sleeping in the morning AGAIN. and now i'm awake at night and fully recovered, AGAIN. =. =

Can anyone test my gen cells? because i really think i'm turning into a vampire. I think Vincent Valentine gave me a visit in my dream once. and asked me to join his force. lol. okay. that's lame. BUT! I Seriously am worried about the sleeping in the morning and feel super fresh at night thing. and frankly speaking, i've been drinking erm... never mind that. =X

Hmm... well i'm going to be working alot this week. haha. and i can't wait for the 23rd. and... i don't know. yeah. i guess i'll be doing quite alot on wednesday. going ard asking stuff for the scout camp. and then maybe continue on thursday. maybe not do any for friday tho. because it's already planned. yeah.

wow, although i'm awake now, but i can't seem to squeeze anything out to blog. because there's a blockage somewhere. i think i sealed it myself yesterday night. hmm... might open it up one day.

sighz. i don't know my direction now seriously. i'm just riding the river. i know certain things are gonna take a very very long time. but i just can't seem to get it over with. thankfully there's God. LOL! i know, a vampire praying to God. haha. so you see, i'm not turning into one! =X

k la. gotta give myself more time. and hope i can do that. wish me luck.
you don't know, but i just can't accept the fact that you didn't tell me anything.
what are we now?
i miss you like hell everyday, but did you even miss me when i was gone?

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